
Weeshuis – Centrum voor gehandicapten
De zusters van Heilige Paul van Chartres








Tot op heden zijn het vooral Franse verenigingen die de Zusters van Kim Long ondersteunen (zie ‘Nos Amis in de Franse webpagina’s). Voor Nederlandstalige heeft het weinig zin om contact op te nemen met deze verenigingen, daar ze enkel Frans praten en hun fiscaal systeem niet geldig is buiten Frankrijk.

Maar Kim Long staat zeker ook open voor hulp vanuit Nederland en Vlaanderen. De zusters spreken geen Nederlands, maar men heeft geen woorden nodig om hier iets achter te laten. Enkele zusters leren nu de Engelse taal die door de meeste Nederlandstaligen bekend is.

Veel Vlamingen helpen Zuster Chantal.

Vlamingen of Nederlanders die in contact willen komen met Zuster Chantal sturen best een e-mail naar info@st-paul-hue.com . Mensen die eerder naar Kim Long geweest zijn mogen zich kenbaar maken en zullen in deze pagina’s vermeld worden.


US friends

Susan & Paul O'Neill, Washington

Wayne Kelloway, New Hampshire

Peter Wester, New Jersey

Susan, Paul, Wayne and Peter sponsored the construction of Son Ca II as of the early beginning. $2.500 was a quite significant amount of money (at least for individuals), which helped us to get the things started.


Thanks so much guy’s!



Another donation from people in the Doylestown, PA area. Bob Staranowicz (see further) handed the donation over to Sister Chantal on Jan 19th, 2009 on his trip back to Vietnam. Thanks to all of you. Thanks Bob. Thanks America.

The donators:

Mary Ellen and Jon Smith          


Donna Robertson                     

New York

Cafeteria Workers of Central Bucks High School


Duane Longfellow                    


Veterans of Foreign Wars           

Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Ed Krensel                           


Joe and Wendy Skupen             


Denis and Phyllis Katasak           


Jim and Ann Campanella            

New Jersey

In Memory of Harvey Lawshe       

New Jersey

Susan and Paul O’Neill

New York

Susan & Paul are true friends since several years.


They also made the link with Bob Staranowicz.

US Veterans of Foreign Wars





Post 175

Doylestown, PA 18902

Mr and Mrs John Cushman, New Jersey

Scott Mays, Pennsylvania

Bob Staranowicz, Pennsylvania

Bob is a US Army Veteran of Vietnam. He wrote a book (Chapter One - The Story of Vic Charles) based on real and fictional accounts that took place in the early 70’s in Vietnam, also featuring our orphanage, where Bob used to bring the laundry of his comrades from Camp Eagle where he was based.

The story is a about the way Vic Charles experiences life 20 years after his return to the Country. Experiences shared by many other Vietnam Veterans. Several flashbacks bring the reader back into to the scene of Huê in ’69 & ’70. A very interesting book for many reasons.

The book is currently awaiting a new publisher but the version one (the old version) is still available at:  https://www.createspace.com/3429156


Bob had tried many years to get back in contact with our orphanage.  On May 19th, 2008, Bob sent us an e-mail. The picture of the church taken in ’70 he sent us was definitely ours. Bob and his Vet-friends have offered a financial gift that helped us in buying a washing machine and a cooker.

Bob is truly committed to us. His January 2009 trip will be his first trip back to Vietnam and he will definitely be coming back to our orphanage.

Bob has also contributed to the English version of this website.

Read more on Bob on the Veterans pages:

Many thanks to Bob and the US Veterans of Vietnam.


Christian PHILIPPE

Bijnaam “Bac Ki”




Auteur van deze webpagina’s, persoonlijke assistent van Zuster Chantal, en fanaat van Vietnam. Ik heb veel bewondering en respect voor de Zusters van Kim Long.
Ik ben meertalig Nederlands, Frans en Engels.

Vragen en opmerkingen zijn welkom.

Christian PHILIPPE
15 Avenue du Bout du Monde
4053 Embourg
