Orphanage – Disabled Centrum
Sisters of Saint Paul de Chartres




       Building the new Orphanage



Our sponsors


As mentioned earlier in other pages of this website, it is important to stress that our orphanage does not rely on official subventions. Our daily needs are financed through the sponsorship of individuals. Building new infrastructures is also the result of charity and sponsorship from different origins.


It would be very difficult to give a detailed list of all of our generous donators, as we might forget many of them – only because this website is not always up to date.


However, it is important to mention that the new orphanage project has had sponsors from all over the world:


-           Governmental organizations;

-           Non Governmental organizations;

-           Charitable and humanitarian associations;

-           Associations dealing exclusively with our orphanage;

-           Commercial companies;

-           A great deal of generous individuals who have found Kim Long and are sensitive to the needs of our children.


We also have to thank all of the individuals who ensured that other donators were mobilized, as well as websites and tourist guides who invited many visitors to come along to the orphanage and support us. 


Therefore, rather than list all our sponsors, we would like to leave the final word to Sister Chantal:


The word of Sister Chantal…


« In the name of the whole Orphanage, our orphan children, disabled children, poor girls, the staff and the sisters, I thank you all for your generosity during the last 4 years, building Son Ca II. Every single gift has been invested in these walls and infrastructure, to provide all our children with a new future.


Your names will be engraved on the golden plate of the orphanage. Be sure you will stay forever in our harts.»


Sister Chantal.